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1 day Ngamba Island

1 day Ngamba Island Chimpanzee tour, go on a day trip to Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary to experience the life of orphaned chimpanzees with the caregivers. Make memories which last a lifetime as you take part in feeding the primates. The sanctuary is located on Ngamba Island, which is approximately 23 kilometers offshore from Entebbe. Getting there by a boat ride on Lake Victoria is an exhilarating water sport activity with an option to swim at the equator.

Ngamba Island was established in 1989 and is managed by the Chimpanzee Trust which is dedicated to conserving chimpanzees in the Northern part of the Albertine rift valley. There are 52 chimpanzees that are being taken care of and you will get to meet individuals and get to know their personalities such as Afrika which is now 40 years old. Most of the chimps at Ngamba were rescued from the illegal hands of poachers. Given that they can’t survive in the wild, the primates need maximum welfare and care to live. When you visit Ngamba Island, you’re helping chimpanzee conservation.

Detailed 1 day Ngamba Island Chimpanzee tour itinerary

Depart from Entebbe town around 9:00 AM you will board take a boat trip to Ngamba Island takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour, depending on weather conditions. Upon arrival, you’ll be greeted by the sanctuary staff and briefed on the rules and guidelines for interacting with the primates. Afternoon chimpanzee viewing and feeding session will start at 12:45pm. The caregivers will guide on how to feed the chimps as you watch how the primates interact with each other while enjoying their meal.

After the feeding session, you will have a guided tour of the sanctuary to learn more about the chimpanzees, their behavior, and the conservation efforts being undertaken to protect them. Gain insights into the individual stories of some of the resident chimpanzees, many of whom have been rescued from illegal hands of poachers.

Participate in educational programs and activities offered by the sanctuary, which may include lectures, documentaries aimed at raising awareness about chimpanzee conservation in Uganda. The Sanctuary restaurant serves up delicious Ugandan and international cuisine. After lunch, you will board the boat to head back to Entebbe. End of 1 day Ngamba island chimpanzee tour

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