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4 days Murchison falls

This 4 days Murchison falls and chimpanzee tracking safari takes advantage of Uganda’s largest conservation area allowing visitors to sample a variety of attractions and activities with less travel and expenses. You will enjoy game drives, boat cruise safari along the Nile River and chimpanzee tracking in Budongo central forest reserve.

Murchison falls national park is home to 77 mammal species including the Big Four: lion, leopard, buffalo and elephant among others such as Nubian giraffes. If you visit Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary as an addition, you stand a chance of spotting the Big Five African mammals on this 4-days Uganda safari.

Highlights for 4 days Murchison falls and chimpanzee tracking Budongo

  • Murchison falls boat cruise safari
  • Wildlife Game drives
  • Chimpanzee tracking in Budongo forest

Detailed 4 days Murchison falls and chimpanzee tracking Budongo itinerary

Day 1: Kampala to Murchison Falls National Park

Early in the morning your guide will meet and pick you up from the hotel in Kampala city. Depart for 6-hour drive through Luwero district, Uganda’s biggest pineapple producing farms. Get some from one of the roadside markets along the way; you may visit the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for rhino tracking activity. This is highly recommended in order to increase the chances of spotting the Big Five mammals on Uganda safari.

Continue and enter the park via Kacumbanyobo southern entrance gate. Another stopover is at the top of the falls to look at the world’s powerful waterfalls. From there, you drive across the new Nile bridge to the northern sector of Murchison falls national park. Arrive at the lodge, check in for dinner and overnight.

Day 2: Game drive and Boat Cruise safari

Ensure to be up early for a cup of African tea and breakfast which should be done by 6:30am. Getting out into the African bush on the early morning game drive has many advantages. First, the predators like lion, hyenas and leopards might be spotted before they return to their hideouts. Secondary, the large mammal species including African elephant, buffalo, and Nubian giraffes are most active as they move to their favorite grazing grounds. And thirdly, the antelope species like Uganda kobs, waterbucks tend to be gathering together in larger groups as well as some few Jackson’s hartebeests, oribis, bushbucks, and topi along the roadsides.

Among other species in the park include warthogs in addition to the 451 species of birds. By 12:00 pm, you should have seen not only wildlife but also the park’s physical features such as the Albert-Nile delta swamp. You will return to the lodge for lunch and after that go to Paara for the boat cruise along the Victoria Nile to the bottom of the falls. The Murchison boat cruise safari is one the best wildlife viewing safari activities in Uganda.

where you get to spot African elephants, buffaloes and giraffes along the north banks, Nile crocodiles, monitor lizards, and a plethora of birds including the African fish eagle, Egyptian goose among others. The boat cruise will stop 10-meters away from the bottom of the falls, giving you a close up view of the falls. By the time the boat returns to Paara, you will have a good checklist of mammal species and birds that dwell in the park. Make your way with some cool game drive to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: Transfer from Murchison to Budongo Forest for afternoon chimpanzee tracking

After breakfast and game drive in the early morning, depart for Budongo central forest reserve in the south sector. Arrive before 2pm on time to begin your afternoon chimpanzee tracking session. Budongo forest is home to over 800 chimpanzees including several communities that have been habituated under the Jane Goodall Institute since 1990s. The chance to see the primates is very high with the help of expert guides. To your advantage, the forest lies at medium altitude and trekking in search of the chimps is regarded as intermediate level hiking which most people can do. After the chimp trek, you will check in at Budongo Eco-lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 4: Transfer from Budongo to Kampala city

Leave Budongo after breakfast and drive back to Kampala arriving in the afternoon. Transfer to the airport for departure flight or to your place of choice.

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